
Raw material

The most critical ingredient in manufacturing process is raw materials. Manufacturer can not provide customers with superb product without first having high quality raw materials. It is of paramount importance to know quality level of  the raw to be able properly process it and turn into fine product. Quality of raw materials can and does vary from source to source, from batch to batch. This happens because of the process of their synthesis. Result of the synthesis is raw materials of certain purity. Purity is expressed as a percentage of desired compound in final raw material. Therefore, finished raw material is containing desired compound together with impurities. No synthesis is yielding hundred percent desired results, but the less impurities in final product, the better. It is very important to identify those impurities and amount. It is not uncommon for dubious sources to have raw materials of purity as low as 50%! This is alarming, because this can seriously impact user’s health.


Final step in manufacturing process is quality control. You are confident in your raw materials because you have tested them, so you could precisely calculate and set manufacturing process. Now is time to verify the results. Thanks to HPLC technology we can take the sample of your finished product and evaluate it’s qualitative and quantitative parameters in the matter of minutes! After obtaining results you can be confident you have finished product of the highest standard.


Customers are more aware of quality of PEDs than ever before. In these days of internet it is much easier to scrutinize products of various manufacturers. And customers are aware of that. They mutually share their knowledge and experiences online and marketplace is steering towards quality gear. Wise manufacturers also know this and are trying to place high quality products on market. It is critically important to let your customers know that your products are exactly what are they looking for. There is no better proof than having your finished products verified in respected HPLC laboratory. The results will come with unique certificate that can be validate on our website.